Pillow Talk Labo – Follow the creation steps!

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Resolution 2015: I’m going to (try to) share with you, once a week, the discoveries issues from my research on “Pillow Talk, an essay on dreaming“. The more I explore my own dreams (as well as other documentation) the more I believe that dreaming is at the heart of our spiritual selves and our capacity to think, to feel, to judge, to remember… and to survive. 

“Did you know that left-wingers don’t sleep as well as right-wingers, but their dreams are more vivid and more fantastic?? I read that in “American Dreamer” by Kelly Bulkeley, who examines the relationship between our dreams and our ideology!” 

“Did you know that in contemporary dream interpretation circles, the dreamer always has the last word on the meaning of their own dreams. Interpretations dictated by ‘experts’ is discouraged, though group feedback and dream sharing is popular”

“Did you know that according to Jeremy Taylor, “All dreams speak a universal language and come in the service of health and wholeness. There is no such thing as a “bad dream” — only dreams that sometimes take a dramatically negative form in order to grab our attention.” Beautiful dreams grab me just as much.”

“Did you know that according to Ernest Hartmann, our dream is like an internal shrink who tries to help us manage a situation by telling us: we’ve seen this before, haven’t we? Not exactly the same, but similar in its essence.” 

“I think that in our dreams there is no chronology; if we are 60, we’re also still 6… a comforting thought on one’s birthday!”

“Did you know that some elements are recurring in your dreams? In mine: cameras, cats, hospitals…and villains or loser types that I find cute… Oh, and Barak Obama (who’s not in that last category!)”. 

“OMG! Did you know that the murder rate in our dreams is higher than in any US city? That’s according to G. William Domhoff, (research professor of psychology and sociology at UC Santa Cruz). Have you killed anyone lately? “

“Are your dreams more often negative or positive? Don’t feel badly; in general, negative dreams are way more prevalent than positive ones (according to G. William Domhoff)… but positive dreams are more memorable! (according to me)”. DL

“Did you know that our waking thoughts are often as zany as our dreams can be? Take a break in your day to think about that…”

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