Work in progress

The projet

Dulcinea’s very first one-woman-show, Vicious Circle, is approached 30 years later in collaboration with circus artist, Angelica Bongiovonni. This seminal work, enriched by the art of circus, is being remodelled and reinvented in several contemporary formats, live and digital, to preserve and renew its inspiring impact.


A duo between a woman and a circle. Vicious Circle is a lyrical, comical and sometimes dramatic meditation on the meaning of life. Going from a cell to an embryo to a girl to a woman, the character continually encounters the circle, which she tries (in vain) to grasp. The circle surrounds her, fascinates her and seduces her. Highly metaphorical, ranging from the cosmic to the everyday, the circle is the uterus, the lover, the father, the aspiration – life – death – and the mandala (‘circle’, in Sanskrit): the one that brings everything back to oneself.

Vicious Circle: New Generation, MICC Pitch by Dulcinea Langfelder


Concept and choreography : Dulcinée Langfelder & Angelica Bongiovonni

Texte : Dulcinea Langfelder and Alice Ronfard

Direction : Alice Ronfard & Dulcinea Langfelder