Victoria finishes her 14th season on a high note!

A month and a half-marathon through France last February and March was:  –    A total audience of 1 200 people,  –    5 days of workshop, – Meeting with 2 Quebec Delegations, –    About 30 articles published about Victoria, –    10 hospitals visited, –    and 10 pounds gained per person for a total of 60. Find below the tour-book that our assistant tour manager Julie wrote. A compilation of anecdotes, photos and public’s comments […]

Dulcinea Gives a “Pep Talk” During the C2 Montreal 2014

On May 28th and 29th, our favourite artist is invited to perform during Pep Torres’ exhibit, The Boundless Brain of the Creator, at HEC during the C2MTL. Discover Pep Talk, a light-hearted dance between the hemispheres of the brain.  A chance meeting with Pep Torres, an immediate affinity, a visit to the MIBA (Museum of Ideas and Inventions) in Barcelona and PING: […]